Tuesday, September 14, 2010

oil on canvas

I'm still working on my painting from the dollhouse toys and rather than show you progress shots now, I'd like to show you the progression and the final shots all in one blog.  So let me instead, talk about my next project.

I'd like to do a nocturne in the style of one of my previous paintings, shown below:
The above piece is titled "24/7" and is about fast food in America.  The new piece, however will show a gas station at night, with the overhead lights and hopefully I can capture the same glow as in the above piece.  The new gas station piece will go along with some of my other recent paintings, which illustrate scenes from the oil industry.  One of these, I will show below and is titled "oil on canvas" and another I have shown in a previous blog post. 
My concern is not to criticize or preach, because I am aware that I consume oil just like the rest of us.  Instead, I am interested in the iconic power of such images.  When someone sees an image about the oil industry, they usually feel something and have a pretty strong reaction to the piece. 

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